Pear Jam Recipe to make you feel “Alive”

Pear Jam

Pear jam is not something I’ve found on grocery shelves in the states. I haven’t really looked for it the times I’ve been in Europe but I feel like they probably have it. At any rate, I can’t get it here so I found a recipe on USApears and adjusted it slightly for what I needed. Hopefully you got the pearl jam reference, but I won’t be insulted if you didn’t.

Pear Jam Recipe Notes

This pear jam recipe is pretty straightforward. Core and dice the pears, size doesn’t really matter since we’re blending it all together. Add the sugar and lemon and leave alone to marinate. You only need to marinate the pears for an hour but the longer the better. Also, you can use crystalized pectin if you have that on hand but I used liquid pectin so I can’t speak to how it may affect the consistency. Bring the mixture to a boil and let the pears start to cook down. Hit the mixture with an immersion blender or transfer to a food processor or immersion blender and mix until very smooth.

Cook for another 20 minutes stirring occasionally. If you’re unsure about the consistency of the jam, put a plate in the freezer for ten minutes and then place a bit of the jam on the frozen plate. Tilt the plate and see how runny the jam is when it cools down. Cook longer as necessary to get the desired thickness.

Once the jam is done, pass it through a fine mesh sieve and discard any solids from the jam. Place the jam in a heatproof container and let cool completely before placing in the fridge. Jam will keep in the fridge for up to a month. Probably longer, its mostly sugar, but I can’t say for sure. Enjoy!

Pear Jam

This sweet and delicious pear jam can be used for cakes, toast, and is also delicious on its own. Similar to apple butter
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Keyword Fillings, Jams, Non-yeasted
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 day 45 minutes
Servings 60 oz


  • 1 stock pot or the biggest pot you have
  • 1 Fine mesh sieve not technically needed
  • 1 immersion blender or food processor/blender


  • 3 lbs Pears, Bartlett or Anjou Ripe
  • 45 ml lemon juice approx 1 lemon
  • 804 grams white sugar
  • 1 pouch liquid pectin gel


  • Core and dice the pears and place in a large bowl.
  • Add the sugar and lemon juice and stir so that the diced pears are covered in sugar.
  • cover the mixture with a towel and let sit for 8 hours, or overnight.
  • Transfer mixture, including all the sugar and lemon juice, to a large pot.
  • Add the liquid pectin in and bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Stir frequently to prevent fruit from sticking to the pan.
  • Let the mixture simmer for ten minutes or so. Once the fruit is becoming nice and soft, use an immersion blender and puree until very smooth.
  • Continue cooking until the jam for another 20 minutes or until it reaches your preferred level of consistency, stirring occasionally.
  • Once the mixture has reached its desired consistency, remove from the heat and pass the jam through a fine mesh sieve. Discard any solids.
  • Transfer the jam to a heat proof storage container and let cool completely before placing in the refrigerator. Jam will keep in the fridge for up to a month
Pear Jam

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