Amazing Pastry Cream Clouds

pistachio pastry cream cloud

Not gonna lie, I feel like I’m phoning it in on this recipe making pastry cream clouds. Take two recipes I’ve already posted, combine them, and post another recipe. That being said, I love pistachio pastry cream and find making it relaxing. Any pastry cream really, but this one especially since it doesn’t require chopping up chocolate. Making choux is a bit more labor intensive but I still enjoy making it. Puff pastry on the other hand, I’ve made it once to say I’ve done it. Now, I buy it premade if I need it for a recipe. So, for the times when I’m motivated enough to make pastry cream but not enough to make choux for eclairs or profiteroles, this recipe fits the bill. They also look fancy so if you bring these to a dinner, you’ll be the star of the evening. Also, note that the recipe below does not account for time to make the pastry cream or the puff pastry, so plan accordingly. If anyone is actually reading this, drop a comment below and say hi.

Pastry Cream Cloud Notes

This recipe is a combination of puff pastry and pastry cream, both of which I’ve discussed in previous posts. For pastry cream, see here. For puff pastry, see here. I made this batch with pistachio pastry cream but you can use whatever flavor pastry cream you like. One thing to note, test the consistency of your pastry cream before adding the sour cream in. The sour cream may cause the pastry cream to become too “slack” and not be firm enough to hold its shape and pipe. If this happens, you’ll need to put the pastry cream back on the stove, bring it to a simmer, and add a few extra grams of cornstarch to firm it back up. Try to avoid this if possible, especially if you’re working on a deadline.

Puff Pastry Instructions

Roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of roughly a 1/4″. If using store bought puff pastry, just unroll it from the packaging after letting it thaw out from the freezer. Cut the pastry into the desired shapes. I found triangles were simple, elegant, and were a great-two-bite dessert. Miniature squares would also be a good option for a one-bite dessert but that would require additional cutting.

puff pastry
Pre-baked Puff Pastry

Once the pastry has been cut into the desired shape, bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Let the pastry cool on a wire rack.

baked puff pastry
Baked Puff pastry

Pastry Cream Instructions

Once the pastry cream has been prepared and chilled, transfer to a piping bag with the desired frosting tip. You can also spoon the pastry cream onto the puff pastry if you don’t have a pastry bag. However, elegantly piped pastry cream is what will elevate this dessert and make people think its more difficult than it actually is. Even if you’re just making this for yourself, take the extra time to pipe it and make it look pretty. You’re worth the extra effort!

Pistachio pastry cream
Pastry Cream Cloud

Cut the cooled puff pastry in half and using your piping bag, pipe an outline of pastry cream around the perimeter of the pastry and then filling in the interior. Place the other half of the pastry on top so you have a nice sandwich. Pipe a decoration on top and finish with some chopped pistachios. And just like that, you have pastry cream clouds, a dessert using not a ton of effort. This is of course assuming you bought puff pastry from the store and enjoy making pastry cream…..

Pistachio Pastry Clouds

Course Dessert
Cuisine American, French
Keyword Pastry Cream, pistachio, puff pastry
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Servings 12 Pastries


  • Baking Tray
  • Parchment Paper
  • pastry bag with frosting tip



Pastry Cream Instruction

  • Make the pastry cream according to the recipe linked here: Pastry cream recipe
  • Once pastry cream is chilled and ready to use, move onto making the puff pastry.

Puff Pastry Instructions

  • Make the puff pastry according to the instructions linked here: Puff Pastry
    Or just buy some premade from the store, which is much easier.
  • Take the puff pastry and roll out to a thickness of roughly ¼" thick. If you're using store-bought puff pastry, thaw in the fridge and unroll from tube.
  • Cut puff pastry into desired shapes. Triangles make for great two-bite desserts.

Baking and Finishing

  • Bake the puff pastry at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack.
  • Once cool, use a paring knife to cut the puff pastry in half.
  • Using the prepared pastry bag and frosting tip, pipe the pastry cream into an even layer on half of the puff pastry.
  • Place the other half of the pastry on top so you've got yourself a nice little sandwich. Pipe a little flourish on top and finish with some chopped pistachios.
  • Serve immediately. Pastries can be stored up to a day in the fridge. If making this recipe in advance, wait to cut in half and pipe until ready to serve.
pistachio pastry cream cloud

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