About Me

You’re reading this and not the recipes? Wow, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! I’m Peter, amateur baker, cook, and aspiring trophy husband. My wife is a lawyer, which means I get to do the cooking and practice new recipes for us to try out. Check out my recipes and hopefully you’ll have as much fun making them as I did, even if its type 2 fun.

Trophy Husband

The most important part of being a trophy husband is being easy on the eyes. I was a rower on the US national team for 6 years. After “retiring” from elite competition, I pivoted to amateur cycling and am currently pursuing that passion. The one downside is that my chest and arms have withered much to the dismay of my wife. But I’ve started focusing on bench in the gym again to keep her happy. Also so she doesn’t upgrade to a new model.

2015 LM8
That’s me doing my best George Costanza impression in front of the flag